Welcome to the Jump-Switch-Flow Documentation!



This package provides an algorithm for sampling from the Jump-Switch-Flow (JSF) process. The JSF process is a continuous-time process that can be used to represent compartmental models where stochastic effects are important at low population sizes but can be ignored at high population sizes.


To couple both the stochastic (Jumping) and deterministic (Flowing) compartments, we model each compartment as to where they are in state space.

Consider a compartmental model where \(V_{i}(t)\) represents the value of the \(i\) th compartment at time \(t\). In a differential equation based model, the \(V_{i}\) could take values in \(\mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}\), and in a CTMC model they might take values in \(\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}\).

To couple both the stochastic (Jumping) and deterministic (Flowing) compartments in Jump-Switch-Flow, we model each compartment as taking values in \(\mathcal{V}_{\Omega} = \{0,1,\ldots,\Omega\} \cup (\Omega,\infty)\). The value \(\Omega\) is the value at which the system transitions from discrete to continuous dynamics. If a compartment \(V_{i}\) has a value in \(\{0,1,\ldots,\Omega\}\), we describe that compartment as discrete (or Jumping), and if it has a value in \((\Omega,\infty)\), we describe it as continuous (or Flowing).

Changes to the \(V_i\) in these models are defined by a set of reactions. Each reaction consists of three things: the rate it occurs, the reactants consumed it, and the products generated. For a given reaction, we refer to the difference in the amount produced, and the mount consumed as the flow.

The set \(\mathcal{S}\) consists of the reactions which have at least one discrete reactant or product. We refer to the occurrence of these reactions as a jumps because they involve one of the discrete variables values changing discretely. The reactions not in \(\mathcal{S}\) are called flows` because they represent the continual change of value.

Jump events occur following an inhomogeneous arrival process. Reaction \(j\) occurs at a rate \(\lambda_{j}\), which may depend upon the values of all the reactants of that reaction. The net rate of reactions is \(\sum_{j \in \mathcal{S}} \lambda_{j}\). For a detailed description of how to sample these reaction times, see the description of time-varying Poisson arrival processes by Klein and Roberts.

For each possible reaction in the system, \(k\), we include a new variable, \(J_{k}(t)\), which counts down the time until that reaction will occur. At time \(t_0\) the value of \(J_{k}(t_0)\) is initialised with a uniform random variable, \(u_{k}\sim\text{Uniform(0,1)}\). The remaining time until the reaction fires then decreases as described by the following equation:

\[J_{k}(t)=u_{k} - \left( 1 - \exp\left\{- \int_{t_{0}}^{t} \lambda_{k} ds \right\} \right),\]

where \(\lambda_{k}\) is the rate of the \(k\) th reaction type. Since the reaction rates are continuous, this is a strictly decreasing function of time. Once one of the \(J_k\) reaches zero, that reaction occurs and all of the \(J_i\) are rest. Note that the rate of reactions can change continuously through time. This is because the rate may depend on other variables that are governed by differential equations.

Between jump events, the discrete variables remain constant and the change of continuous variables follows a system of differential equations: \(dV_i/dt = \sum_{j\in \mathcal{S}^{c}} \lambda_j \Delta_{i,j}\), where \(\Delta_{i,j}\) is the change in the amount of variable \(i\) during a reaction \(j\).

The below figure shows how it is possible for a variable to switch between flowing and jumping regimes. When a flowing variable decreases to \(\Omega\), it switches to jumping and we consider it a discrete variable. When a jumping variable jumps from \(\Omega\) to \(\Omega+1\) it switches to flowing and we consider it to be a continuous variable.

SIS epidemic example

Epidemic simulation example

As a simple example, consider the SIS epidemic model. In this model, individuals are either susceptible (S) or infected (I). Susceptible individuals become infected at a rate proportional to the number of infected individuals, and infected individuals recover at a constant rate.

We can simulate this model using the JSF process. The only package that is needed is jsf, but we will import a few others to help us visualise the results.

import pandas as pd
from plotnine import *
import random
import jsf

Defining the SIS model

Next, we define the initial condition of the SIS model and the infection and recovery process. The SIS model has two compartments, so we define the initial condition as a list of length two. The infection and recovery process is defined by a function that takes the current state of the system and the current time and returns a list of length two containing the rates of infection and recovery.

The reactant and product matrices are used to define the stoichiometry of the process. The reactant matrix defines the change in the number of individuals in each compartment when a reaction occurs, and the product matrix defines the change in the number of individuals in each compartment after a reaction occurs. For the SIS model, the reactant matrix is [[1, 1], [0, 1]] and the product matrix is [[0, 2], [1, 0]]. This means that when an infection occurs, the number of susceptible individuals decreases by one and the number of infected individuals increases by one. When a recovery occurs, the number of infected individuals decreases by one and the number of susceptible individuals increases by one.

x0 = [1000 - 2, 2]
rates = lambda x, _: [2e-3 * x[0] * x[1], 1.0 * x[1]]
reactant_matrix = [[1, 1], [0, 1]]
product_matrix = [[0, 2], [1, 0]]

Finally, we define the maximum time of the simulation.

t_max = 10.0

There is a little bit of configuration needed to tell JSF how to actually run the simulation.

stoich = {
    "nu": [
        [a - b for a, b in zip(r1, r2)]
        for r1, r2 in zip(product_matrix, reactant_matrix)
    "DoDisc": [1, 1],
    "nuReactant": reactant_matrix,
    "nuProduct": product_matrix,
my_opts = {"EnforceDo": [0, 0], "dt": 0.1, "SwitchingThreshold": [50, 50]}

Then we can call jsf.jsf to simulate the process using the operator splitting method.

sim = jsf.jsf(x0, rates, stoich, t_max, config=my_opts, method="operator-splitting")

Visualising the simulation

Finally, we can plot the results of the simulation. We’ll use a combination of pandas and plotnine to do this, but the output of jsf is a list of numbers so it should be easy to use whichever plotting library you prefer.

sim_df = pd.DataFrame(
    {"time": sim[1], "susceptible": sim[0][0], "infectious": sim[0][1]}
).melt(id_vars=["time"], value_vars=["susceptible", "infectious"])

sim_p9 = (
    + geom_line(data=sim_df, mapping=aes(x="time", y="value", colour="variable"))
    + geom_hline(yintercept=my_opts["SwitchingThreshold"][1], linetype="dashed")
    + scale_y_sqrt(name="Population size")
    + labs(x="Time", colour="Status")
    + theme(legend_position="top")
    + theme_bw()

sim_p9.save("sis_example.png", height=4, width=6)

Which gives us the following plot. Note that initially the process is stochastic as it jumps around before hitting the threshold at which point it follows the differential equations.

SIS epidemic example


The jsf.types module provides some key types for this package. There is nothing fancy here; they are just used to make the type hints more informative and help to leverage mypy.

  • CompartmentValue: the value of a compartment, this is a float.

  • SystemState: the state of the system, this is a list of CompartmentValue s.

  • Time: the time, this is a float.

Recall you can use the following to type check the code:

mypy jsf tests




This package is not yet available on PyPI. You can install it from a local copy or from GitHub.

From Local Copy

If you have a local copy of the package, you can install it with pip.

pip install /path/to/package

From GitHub

This won’t work until the package has been made public. Once it has, you can install it with pip.

pip install git+https://github.com/DGermano8/jsf.git


If you have a question that is not answered by this documentation, please lodge an issue on the GitHub page for this package: https://github.com/DGermano8/jsf



There are some unit tests in the tests directory. You can run them with the following command.

python3 -m unittest discover -s tests

Code formating and checking

This package uses black and mypy for code formatting and type checking, respectively. You can run them with the following commands.

black jsf
mypy jsf

Building the documentation

make html
cp build/html <my/website>