Jump-Switch-Flow Documentation



This package provides an algorithm for sampling from the Jump-Switch-Flow (JSF) process. The JSF process is a continuous-time process that can be used to represent compartmental models where stochastic effects are important at low population sizes but can be ignored at high population sizes.

Here, we provide a brief overview of the JSF process and how it can be used to simulate compartmental models through a Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model example. The Mathematical framework of the JSF process is also discussed.

Interactive Jupyter Notebook Playground

An interactive BETA version of the below example is also available here (best viewed in Firefox or Chrome).

Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model example

As a simple example for how JSF can be used to capture both stochastic and deterministic dynamics, we consider the classic Lotka-Volterra preditor-prey model. In this model, individuals are either prey (\(V_1\)) or predator (\(V_2\)). This model is famous for being susceptible to Atto-fox problem, where the deterministic description of the model allows for states to become infeasibly small, where the compartment would have otherwise had gone extinct. However, we will see that the JSF process can capture the stochastic effects of the model and permit the system to exhibit both the typical coexistence of the two species and the extinction of one of the species.

The model is described as the following way: the prey reproduce at a constant rate and are eaten by predator at a rate proportional to the number of predator. The predator die at a constant rate and are reproduced at a rate proportional to the number of prey they eat. Mathematically, the model is given by:

\[\begin{split}\frac{\mathrm{d} V_1}{\mathrm{d} t} &= \alpha V_1 - \beta V_1 V_2,\\ \frac{\mathrm{d} V_2}{\mathrm{d} t} &= \beta V_1 V_2 - \gamma V_2.\end{split}\]

The compartment model diagram for this preditor-prey model is shown below.


Written as a JSF model, the stoichiometric matrices for the predator-prey model is given by:


We can simulate this model using the JSF process. In doing so, we can see how the model behaves as both a stochastic and deterministic process to obtain both the limit cycle and absorbing state behaviour, as shown in the figure below.


Implementing the Predator-prey model with JSF

To simulate the Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model using the JSF process, we first need to import the necessary packages.

import pandas as pd
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import jsf


Here, pandas is used to store the simulation results, random is used to set the seed for reproducibility, matplotlib is used to plot the results, and jsf is the package we are using to simulate the process.

Next, we define the initial condition of the predator-prey model and the model parameters. The predator-prey model has two compartments, so we define the initial condition as a list of length two:

x0 = [50, 10]

This initalises the model with 50 prey and 10 predators.

Next, the model parameters are the reproduction rate of the prey, mA, the predation rate, mB, the death rate of the predators, mC:

mA = 2.00
mB = 0.05
mC = 1.50

We then define the rates of the model:

rates = lambda x, _: [mA * x[0],
                      mC * x[1],
                      mB * x[0] * x[1]]

and the stoichiometric matrices of the model:

reactant_matrix = [[1 , 0],
                   [0 , 1],
                   [1 , 1]]

product_matrix = [[2 , 0],
                  [0 , 0],
                  [0 , 2]]

We define the maximum time of the simulation:

t_max = 10

There is a little bit of configuration needed to tell JSF how to actually run the simulation. Namely, we use the stoichiometric matrices to define the stoichiometry of the process. DoDisc is a boolean list, and describes which compartments are initially represented as a stochastic processes.

stoich = {
         "nu": [ [a - b for a, b in zip(r1, r2)]
                for r1, r2 in zip(product_matrix, reactant_matrix) ],
         "DoDisc": [1, 1],
         "nuReactant": reactant_matrix,
         "nuProduct": product_matrix,

Now all we need to set are the options for the simulation. We set the time step, dt to be 0.01 and the threshold for switching, SwitchingThreshold, to be 30 for both compartments. EnforceDo is a boolean list and describes which compartments are permitted to dynamically change between discrete and continuous regimes. If an entry of EnforceDo is 0, then that compartment is allowed to switch between discrete and continuous regimes. If an entry of EnforceDo is 1, then that compartment is not allowed to switch, and will remain in the regime it was initialised in.

my_opts = {
            "EnforceDo": [0, 0],
            "dt": 0.01,
            "SwitchingThreshold": [30, 30]

We are now able to call jsf.jsf to simulate the process using the “operator splitting” method.

sim = jsf.jsf(x0, rates, stoich, t_max, config=my_opts, method="operator-splitting")

Visualising the simulation

Finally, we can plot the results of the simulation. We’ll use a combination of pandas and matplotlib to do this, but the output of jsf is a pandas DataFrame of numbers so it’s easy to use whichever plotting library you prefer.

plt.plot(sim[1], sim[0][0], label="Prey")
plt.plot(sim[1], sim[0][1], label="Predator")
plt.axhline(y=my_opts["SwitchingThreshold"][1], color="k", linestyle="--")
plt.ylabel("Population size")
plt.savefig('PredatorPrey.png', dpi=500)
PredatorPrey example


This package is not yet available on PyPI. You can install it from a local copy or from GitHub.

From Local Copy

If you have a local copy of the package, you can install it with pip.

pip install /path/to/package

From GitHub

You can install JSF with pip from GitHub, at https://github.com/DGermano8/jsf:

pip install git+https://github.com/DGermano8/jsf.git


The jsf.types module provides some key types for this package. There is nothing fancy here; they are just used to make the type hints more informative and help to leverage mypy.

  • CompartmentValue: the value of a compartment, this is a float.

  • SystemState: the state of the system, this is a list of CompartmentValue s.

  • Time: the time, this is a float.

Recall you can use the following to type check the code:

mypy jsf tests



If you have a question that is not answered by this documentation, please lodge an issue on the GitHub page for this package: https://github.com/DGermano8/jsf



There are some unit tests in the tests directory. You can run them with the following command.

python3 -m unittest discover -s tests

Code formating and checking

This package uses black and mypy for code formatting and type checking, respectively. You can run them with the following commands.

black jsf
mypy jsf